Government and Industry Programs

At Collective Impact, we are creating relationships and fostering the future of sustainability. Here, you will find the government and Industry programs available in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. For more details contact our team!


Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Agricultural Landscape Program: Watershed Resilience

– Funding to support establishment of agroforestry projects and simplify their maintenance.
Grasslands and Grazing Management – Funding to support the enhancement of grasslands and strategies to improve grazing management.
Natural Upland Area Rejuvenation and Enhancement – Funding to support improved ecological function of natural upland areas.
Riparian Area Enhancement – Funding to support the establishment and enhancement or healthy riparian areas.
Water Retention and Runoff Management – Funding to support retention to improve the management of surface water throughout a watershed.
Wetland Restoration and Enhancement – Funding to support the restoration and enhancement of wetlands.
Click Here For Program Link

Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba

Cropland Management – Funding to support cropland management practices that optimize operations and improve productivity.
Manure and Livestock Management – Funding to support practices that improve livestock performance and manure management.
Water Management – Funding to support the supply, efficient use, quality and management of water.
Click Here For Program Link

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership in Saskatchewan (Sustainable CAP)

Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP)

Click Here For Program Link

Resilient Agricultural Landscapes Program (RALP) – The Resilient Agricultural Landscapes Program (RALP) provides funding to producers to increase the environmental resiliency of agricultural land. The program helps producers achieve outcomes related to water quality, soil health and biodiversity through the adoption of beneficial management practices.

Click Here For Program Link
Livestock Facility Emission Program – The Livestock Facility Emissions Program supports intensive livestock facilities to adopt practices and technologies that will improve environmental performance.Livestock

Click Here For Program Link
Irrigation Programs – Irrigation programming supports sustainable agriculture water management and adaptation to climate change by providing funding support for development of new irrigation acres or improved efficiencies in irrigation systems.
Irrigation Development Program – Click Here For Program Link
Irrigation Efficiency Program – Click Here For Program Link
Crown Land Pasture Association Invasive Weed Program
The purpose of the Crown Land Pasture Association Invasive Weed Program is to provide financial assistance to pasture associations on agricultural Crown land.

Click Here For Link
Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Pest Biosecurity Programs
Plant Health Network – Click Here For Link

Invasive Plant Control Program – Click Here For Link

Also Includes beaver, rat and gopher control programs.

Alberta Agricultural Carbon Offsets – Conservation Cropping Protocol (NERP)
Click Here For Program Link

Alberta Water Program
Helps producers adopt agricultural water management practices for continued growth and long-term success of the agriculture industry.

Click Here For Program Link

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership in Alberta (Sustainable CAP)
Click Here For Program Link

Programs for:
Efficient Grain Handling – This program assists producers with reducing the overall energy use on their operations. Click Here For Program Link

Farm Technology – Supports innovative technology that minimizes agricultural waste and optimizes farm efficiency, and tools that secure business assets. Click Here For Program Link

On-Farm Value Added – Helps primary producers grow sales, expand production capacity, explore market opportunities and create jobs in Alberta.
Click Here For Program Link

Resilient Agricultural Landscape – Supports producers to conserve and enhance the environmental resiliency of their agricultural landscapes.
Click Here For Program Link

Water – Helps producers adopt agricultural water management practices for continued growth and long-term success of the agriculture industry.
Click Here For Program Link

Federal Programs

Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) for SaskatchewanClick Here For Link
Funding available for Nitrogen Management, Cover Cropping and Rotational Grazing

Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) for ManitobaClick Here For Link
Funding available for Nitrogen Management, Cover Cropping and Rotational Grazing

Growing Outcomes in Watersheds (GROW) Growing Outcomes in WatershedsClick Here For Link

Conservation Organizations

ALUS – Through collaboration and partnerships ALUS has a variety of programs for producers across Western Canada. They focus on creating, restoring and enhancing new acres of nature to respond to local environmental challenges, help build community resilience and fight climate change and biodiversity loss. Click on the link to see if there is a program available in your area: Click Here For Program Link

Ducks Unlimited Canada – Ducks Unlimited Canada has a number of programs across Canada. From forage programs to wetland restoration click on this link to see what programs are available in your area Agriculture programs – Click Here For Program Link

Sask Soil – Details on the Marginal Areas Rehabilitation in Saskatchewan and the Farm Resilience Mentorship Program can be found here – Click For Program Link

Producer Organizations

Canola Council of Canada – Canola 4R Advantage offers incentives to help growers initiate or advance 4R Nutrient Stewardship on canola acres. Canola 4R Advantage | Click Here For Program Link

Canadian Forage and Grassland Association – CFGA has a number of programs and learning tools that can be found here Click Here For Program Link

Canadian Cattle Association – Grasslands Conservation Initiative details can be found here: Click Here For Program Link

The Collective Impact Team,

At Collective Impact, we are creating relationships and fostering the future of sustainability. Want to learn more about these or other programs? Contact us here.