Carbon, sustainability, and regenerative agriculture… these are terms that are used as often in agriculture today as any other. However, the difference is these terms have not become standardized in agriculture like many others have. Producers hear them and don’t always know what they specifically mean to their farm. Companies involved in agriculture and at times outside of agriculture want to live them, promote and even incentivize them, but aren’t always sure how to. That’s why we are here, this is our purpose.
We are Collective Impact Carbon, and we make carbon make cents.
We have the experience building, working with and ensuring success around Carbon Credit Programs. By utilizing our hands on knowledge of western Canadian agriculture practices, agronomy and the carbon space, Collective Impact Carbon will:
· Help businesses/organizations build programs and protocols that are simple, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. By understanding your goals, we help create programs that can be successful on farms in the area you’re focused on.
· Utilize our network of agronomists, consultants, and other centers of influence in Western Canadian agriculture to find producers that will be able to successfully implement these goals and create or continue the path of measurable change.
· Work with the enrolled producers to ensure that the protocols are followed and the required data to measure success is collected, which ultimately results in those producers being compensated for the changes they have made.
· Answer producer’s questions around the carbon markets, what opportunities may exist for their farm and if desired help them enroll in the programs that fit their goals and practices.
At Collective Impact Carbon, we are creating relationships and fostering the future of sustainability. Want to learn more? Contact us here.